Exhibition opening on Friday, 24. June 2011 at 8 p.m.
Finissage and concert on Fri. 22. July 2011 from 8 p.m:
Hedi Mohr, Royal Chord and DJ Catastrophe
With a remarkable ease Annette Stemmann is working on an independant position that states universals and individualty as an equal midway in painting. In her colourful lucent pictures reigns a misterious complexity that resist to a definte descryption.
In the exhibition, next to drawings, the artist shows segmented panels. The painting base grows above the classical square, expanding over the walls. Like an organic process in the composition, itself affecting relations accure. A poetical simultaneity who plays in a compendium with the impact of its parts. Its a collection of impressions, urban scenes and time and again the human figure, drafted, finds itself next to plastic figures, left over plaything, myth and legendary creatures, icons from the sphere of everyday life. Like crossing a landscape our view changes, impressions touch, stronger images remain but solve in total.
Annette Stemmanns´ paintings are working with different phrases, concreteness and abstraction, ornament and surface, excerpt and omission. Impressions compete and examine a hierarchy of images without never execute it. Her specially own disengaged working method shows up in balanced compositions whose resistance can be seen as a imperceptible commentary, a brave countenance to actual art discourse