Samstag, 27. Januar 2018 ab 19:00
19:00 Autodidaktischer Oberton-Workshop mit Stefan Ruf
20:30 MONGOLEI – Bilder / Texte: Georg Jansen, Sound & Musik: Max Jansen
21:30 Obertonchor
During two longer journeys of Georg Jansen in Mongolia, photos and texts have been created that look at the country and its (few) people from a subjective point of view. Since his return, the author has been trying to put the observations in order and continue writing the texts in order to arrive at a larger picture under the guiding questions: What moves Mongolia today? Is there a zeitgeist in Mongolia? How does the country behave in the age of global consumerism?
Based on the motto: I can do that too! Stefan Ruf, after a short preparation period, gives an idea of how to shape the articulation apparatus in oder to bring to sound some overtones.