Galerie Crystal Ball


Eröffnung am 14.1. um 19 Uhr

Apfelmus – 16 Jahre Galerie Crystal Ball
Ausstellungssalon und Veranstaltungsreihe

Performances zur Eröffnung:
20:00 Lydia Karstadt: All You Need
22:00 Danja Schilling: Danger Danger/ Volume 2: Apfelmus

Ein Paket mit der Aufschrift Apfelmus steht auf einer Wiese
Apfelmus, Karton/ Papier/ Shellack, M. Kirschner, 1996

Lydia Karstadt wanted “Applesauce” to be a thematic group exhibition for her birthday, because in 2023 the Crystal Ball phenomenon will be 16 years old. It is true that there is probably not much left to celebrate at the moment. But “Applesauce” is supposed to convey its positive impact in a reflection on essential life contents. Peace and human renaturation. The subordination of human existence to the ecological sphere appears as the inevitable, only way out of the crisis. In Karstadt’s view, art is never an opponent or even a target, but a partner in the conflict for a future.
Numerous foodstuffs have taken on a higher significance in the museum art context in recent months as a result of the protest culture. Thus applesauce can be a performative device; political statement, enigmatic object, poetic sphere, or just a big old cardboard box with “applesauce” written on it. The playful exhibition in Crystal Ball shows positions of artists who, through the subject and its field of interpretation, imply associations of transience in their work. The exhibition salon is accompanied by a program of events. Performances will be shown at the opening.

Françoise Cactus, Evita Emersleben, Ersatzschrankorchester, Gabi Garland, Elke Graalfs, Miriam Jadischke, Manfred Kirschner, Andreas Kotulla, Gabriele Regiert, Danja Schilling, Caren Sielaff, Juwelia St. St., Lydia Karstadt, Vikenti Komminski, C.C. Kruse, Agnieszka Pasek, Frank Schoppmeier, Silky, Berit Schneider, Veronika Schumacher, Uwe Teichmann, The Wa, die Zugvögel und weiteren Künstler:innen

Aria of the god of happiness: Brother, you make my eyes wet. I see your life is no fun. Here is an apple, look, I have three, so I can give you one. I don’t see anything excessive about it, we can both live. Now promise me you won’t swallow the seeds in your greed, but before I leave, spit them into the ground. And if it becomes an apple tree in the middle of your field, then come and get the apples from the tree which you cultivate. (Brecht/ Dessau)

The Wa, unfinished dog

Freitag, 20.01. um 19 Uhr
analogSCHATTEN  – Die Zugvögel Improvisation mit Licht und Schatten

Freitag 03.02. um 19:30 Uhr
ERDEN. Naturphilosophische Brocken – Buchpräsentation
Extraktionsregime, Wahlverwandtschaften, Körpersaftanaly­sen, alternative Naturepistemologien: Der von Ivo Gurschler, Andreas Hofbauer und Alexander Klose herausgegebene Band 45 der Schriften zur Verkehrswissenschaft versammelt “notwendig fragmen­tarisch bleibende Vorstöße, um über Natur in Krisenzeiten nachzudenken“.
Präsentation, Projektionen und Podiumsgespräch mit den Herausgebern und Autor:innen

Samstag, 25.2. um 19 Uhr/  Finissage
– der Film, Thedinghausen 1996
M. Kirschner, Sound von Christian C. Kruse
Wiederaufführung mit Performances:
Wie man einen halben Pudding macht – Evita Emersleben
The Making Of Apfelmus- Manfred Kirschner

Bang …

… difficult, or the possibility of making an exhibition

Vernissage and open salon on May 21 at 7 p.m.
The exhibition is open every Thursday from 2 to 7 p.m. and by appointment

with: Gabi Garland, Miriam Licia Jadischke, Manfred Kirschner, Kai Lillich, Lee Negris, Sigrun Paulsen, Ilze Orinska, Oliver Voigt, Gabriele Regiert and other artists.

Lydia Karstadt doesn’t know what to do either –

and since she sometimes goes away in the summer to demonstrate for peace, to bury “Weltschmerz” at the Müritz or to grow vegetables in the province, she has thought up a self-maintaining exhibition. To do so, she interviewed artists she met on her way to Zickenplatz or recently. To give coincidence a chance, she asked them to participate in something that she herself does not know what it will be. An experimental exhibition, an experimental setup. Pacifistic, ambitious, voluntary, honest, entertaining, versatile, hopeful …

The exhibition salon is open every thursday from 14 to 19 o’clock and gladly by appointment.

as well as in the salon: Café Unst, arbitrary basic research & peaceful screen prints

Fuck Your Selfie! #6 – Portraitsalon

F*** Your Selfie #6 Portraitsalon
25 to 28 August 2020 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

FYS Numero Sei, Galerie Crystal Ball, Berlin 2020

Forget your selfie and exchange it for a real portrait situation, a happening and choose a style that suits you from the oeuvre of the artist team. Let yourself be drawn in a classical way or be presented as a collage, in poetry, as an art song, as a watercolour or even as a cat litter sculpture. This year, the legendary Crystal Ball portrait salon festival will take place for the sixth time! from 25 to 28 August. With some exclusive stars and artists performing and portraying all visitors. As always, it is also possible for other artists* to participate. Already announced have been: Meike Doelp, Elke Graalfs, Mareike Hube, Carola Humboldt, Lydia Karstadt, Andreas Kotulla, Bibi Kreuzberg, Annett Lau, Mini Mo, Rias, Stefan Ruf, Berit Schneider, Caren Sielaff, Veronika Schumacher, Oliver Voigt and others.

Fuck Your Selfie! #5 – Portraitsalon

You are invited!
From 29 May to 2 June 2019, from 2 p.m. to 19 p.m.

Now – the legendary Portraitsalon Festival for the 5th time !
Berlin artists portray you in poetry, painting, drawing, object, singing, dance and performance!

Fuck Your Selfie Numero Cinque, Lydia Karstadt, 2019

With: Jim Avignon, Herve Cabin, Francoise Cactus, Betty Diggler, Gina Dorio, Natascha Frioud, Gabi Garland, Maike Hartwig, Mareike Hube, Carola Humbodt, Elke Graalfs, Miriam Licia Jadischke, Lydia Karstadt, Manfred Kirschner, Andreas Kotulla, Eike Lauen, Rudi Paris, Caren Sielaff, Gabriele Regiert, Rias, Veronika Schumacher, Berit Schneider, Heike Walter, Oliver Voigt, Gisela Wrede und weiteren!

It is perhaps absurd to assume that a classical portrait situation, in which a model, in this case the visitor, enters into a direct relationship with an artist, is so special that it ennobles her to art. In our time, however, which is also marked by populism, the proliferation of unchecked subjectivities and an annoying over-individualism, the classical, lifelike conversation, the communicative act of interpersonal perception, reflection and depiction declares itself to be avant-garde. On five consecutive days, the artists present, the visitors to the gallery, will portray the artists. The communicative working atmosphere is accompanied by performances and musical contributions, while a new portrait exhibition grows. Participation in this exhibition is still open during the festival. We are looking forward to the fifth edition of the Salon!

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Crystal Ball Supermarché

Artists of the galleries opening up a supermarket

Fashion Video, Collage, Papier auf Leinwand, Manfred Kirschner
Fashion Video, Collage, Papier auf Leinwand, Manfred Kirschner

Opening on Sa. 1 December 2018 at 7 p.m. with a performance by Evita Emersleben

with: Jim Avignon, Thomas Behling, Marion Bösen, Evita Emersleben, Natascha Frioud, Gabi Garland, Elke Graalfs, Maike Hartwig, Mareike Hube, Henrik Jacob, Lydia Karstadt, Line Karlstrom, Andreas Kotulla, Ilse Orinska, Gabriele Regiert, Stefan Ruf, Berit Schneider, Frank Schoppmeier, Veronika Schumacher, Annette Stemmann, Silke Thoss, Tamara Trölsch, Line Wasner, Oliver Voigt, Gisela Wrede and others

Crystal Ball Supermarché

“The miracle of shopping is possible every day!” – Lydia Karstadt
Another supermarket! Every street corner needs a supermarket. In Berlin the newest shopping mall at the Eastside Gallery has just opened. The 69th shopping mall in Berlin alone. After the repaired remains of the wall, you might feel like buying a new sweater.

In our carefree scout, a world with retrograde amnesia, everything is always available and for sale. This world knows no problems or shortages. Here you don’t need gardens, talent or knowledge, because it becomes a personal drone-scourge. In this world there is no climate change, no diversity, no extinction of species, no otherness. Everyone wants the same thing voluntarily. A privileged world that ends with us, because it is no longer about leaving something behind. To what extent can we even move out of this trauma? Is there the possibility of conversion? Or is this just a pronounced cultural pessimism?

Ciaccios Olivenöl from Menfi in the supermarché

In the Crystal Ball Supermarché, the gallery presents a colourfully growing selection of artistic “products” by artists who represent multidimensional, critical views of art. For example, the artist Evita Emersleben represents the meat and sausage department. With her performative actions of 2017, “Sliced or in the piece”, she shows complete politeness. In contrast to her colleague Banksy, the buyer is politely asked beforehand whether he wants the work in pieces or cut.chte.

Like last year, the wonderful, delicious SUPEROLIVE will be there! With its constantly growing olive oil community, which understands the obvious connection between art and life, culture and nutrition as avant-garde. In the Supermarché you will find many more serial unique pieces and works of art that bear a critical, perspective, self-confident view and open the Winter Salon 2018.

Fuck Your Selfie! #4 – Portraitsalon

FYS Volume # 4 – the wonderful portrait salon with music and performances – from 29 May to 2 June 2018 from 2 to 7 p.m.

Portrait of Samantha, Paper on canvas, 30 x 30 cm, Lydia Karstadt, 2018 

Visit the legendary salon this year, sit and have your unique portrait produced in direct communication with an artist.
Saturday 2 June, Portrait – Party from 20 hrs

Performers: Charlene, Rias Berlin, Goldthroat, Mireille & Matthieu, Lydia Karstadt and other surprises

With: Jim Avignon, Ioana Alexe, Francoise Cactus, Natascha Frioud, Gabi Garland, Maike Hartwig, Mareike Hube, Elke Graalfs, Lydia Karstadt, Manfred Kirschner, Anett Lau, Caren Sielaff, Stu Mead, Mini Mo, Berit Schneider, Gisela Wrede, Caren Sielaff and others



Vernissage: Fr. 1. Dez. 2017 19:30 Uhr
Italian breakfast, 2. Dez. 2017 13 – 15 Uhr
Superolive Auktion, Do. 14. Dez. 2107 19:30 Uhr

Flyer, Gemälde von Berit Schneider

Moderated by Frank Schoppmeier, Kinomuseum Berlin

We are looking forward to a brilliant super olive! For the moderation we could win the director of the Kinomuseum Berlin, Frank Schoppmeier. The evening will be framed by an encore of the performances of Rias- Berlin and Françoise Cactus, Mireille & Matthieu and other artists.

With: Rias, Françoise Cactus, Evita Emersleben, Gaby Garland, Renate Goergen, Elke Graalfs, Lydia Karstadt, Manfred Kirschner, Patricia Lippert, Vito Neto Masi, Mireille & Matthieu, Berit Schneider, Veronika Schumacher, Juwelia St.St., Teresa, Silke Thoss, Barbara Wagner und Lisa Wischeropp.

Rias, Françoise Cactus, Evita Emersleben, Gaby Garland, Renate Goergen, Elke Graalfs, Manfred Kirschner, Patricia Lippert, Vito Neto Masi, Mireille & Matthieu, Berit Schneider, Veronika Schumacher, Juwelia St.St., Teresa, Silke Thoss und Barbara Wagner.

In the Olive, we recognize the culture-creating base of Mediterranean civilization, and its importance goes far beyond the nutritive value of its rich juice. For thousands of years the oil has worked in spiritual anointings as much as it enlightened the temples and hearts. It became the sign of new beginning and in their groves were held powerful and groundbreaking speeches. The Superolive becomes the cipher of geographical, cultural and – today more important than ever – social contexts.

Superolive, Mireille & Matthieu, Performance, 2017

On our vernissage everything comes together, firstly a constantly growing group of people from Berlin who appreciate the extraordinary olive oil of Saverio Ciaccio, secondly Saverio himself – and this year in particular, Berlin artists, each with its own aesthetic position contribute to decipher the olive.
As a Roman architect, Saverio has always been busy with constructions – in addition, SUPEROLIVE is working with the construction of new social relationships, through which a participatory design of European landscapes becomes possible. The artistic statements on the subject are diverse and opens up the thematic perspective, the production of a direct authentic, sustainable trade, a mindfulness of the essential, in a lustful, ironic and poetic way. The entanglement, as well as the organization of these elements determining our lives comes to an exemplary oppositional sketch, which changes something for the positive, at least for the participating people. We would be happy if you join us!

The gallery Crystal Ball and Saverio Ciaccio invite you to the great SUPEROLIVE. We look forward to seeing you!
Lydia Karstadt

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Return of Superolive, Manfred Kirschner, 2017

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Weihnachtsoliven, Manfred Kirschner

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Vernissage 1.12.2017

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Superolive, Schaufenster

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Superolive – Friedenszeichen, Patrizia Lippert

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Superolive, Schaufenster

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Olvia Boots, Silky, Acryl, Holz

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von links nach rechts: Werke von Silky, Malerei – Vito Neto Masi, Skulputr – Juwelia, Malerei

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Olivenölflasche – Etikett, Gaby Garland

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Ankunft der Superolive 2017

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Olive Man, Silky

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Friedrich, Vito Neto Masi, Skulptur

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Walk in the Park, Manfred Kirschner

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Superolive, Gaby Garland

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Superolive – Schaufenster

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Le Feu Rock Fuis

15th. July – 30. September 2017
Finissage on Sat. 30 September at 8 p.m. and extended until 21 November 2017

Crystal Ball is getting crazy or it ever was. Maybe you already seen it this summer, but you can still get in and into it ! “Le Feu Rock Fuis” is the first exhibition worldwide that officially publishes its ending and begins in a way with its last day, the Finissage. Crystal Ball is enlighted to present you another artistic, dadaistic coup: The last days of an arbitrary absurd exhibition salon that lasted for two months in summer 2017 and will now be a one day exhibition. Only the visitors and some of the participating artists knew about it. The artist of the exhibition are: Stefan Demming, Juwelia St. St., Manfred Kirschner und Caren Sielaff.

So you are now invited to see what had happened lately and also what is coming up soon. The “Feu Rock Fuis” will contain delighted performances and a special presentation of one of our next actions: Superolive! There you can taste the sensational supertasty Oliveoil from our italien friends ! We will have a sneak preview on “Superolive”, its accompaning artists and the wonderful Oil. Buy and order and dance with us!

Fuck Your Selfie! #3 – Portraitsalon

3. to 7. July 2017, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Performances, music and portrait salon

With many well-known artists: Ioana Alexe, Francoise Cactus, Hervé Cabine, Brezel Göring, Elke Graalfs, Maike Hartwig, Mareike Hube, Lydia Karstadt, Jenny Löbert, Rudi Paris, Gabriele Regiert, Berit Schneider, Frank Schoppmeier, Veronika Schumacher, Gisela Wrede and others!

Potrait of Teresa, Lydia Karstadt, Collage on Canvas, Berlin, 2017

Introspective # 1

Opening on the Sat. 3. December 2016 at 7 p.m.

Rügen, mon Amour! Manfred Kirschner, 45 x 75 cm, paper on canvas, 15 parts, 2016

With works by Ioana Alexe, Ueli Beetschen, Lena Braun, Francoise Cactus, Gabi Garland, Brezel Göring, Roland Eckelt, Elke Graalfs, Marikke Heinz-Hoek, Gabriele Regiert, Manfred Kirschner, Oli Knoth, Gabriele Konsor, Patricia Lippert, Veronika Schumacher, Caren Sielaff, Berit Schneider, Juwelia St.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the new year Crystal Ball is presenting her first Introspective . Introspective # 1 shows a selection of artistic works whose expression and aesthetic form, clearly point to an inner show or even internal mental as well as emotional processes. The exhibition is intended to examine the aspect of a hidden hint in the structure of the work of art that shifts the interpretation perspective in the form of a transmitter into the imaginable and with this also into one’s own inner perspective.

Crystal Ball Berlin