9. – 18.10.2008
Opening with welcome by the Icelandic Ambassador, His Excellency Olafur Davidsson, Performance: Magnús Pálsson, Rod Summers and Tom Winter
Magnús Pálsson: Jón, Foto Þóra Siguròardóttir
Magnús Pálsson is regarded as an old master of intermedia art. In the early 80ths he was one of the first artists to look for contacts with the emerging icelandic experimental punk scene, and he has made connections to theatre, radio play and film. Together with Dieter Roth, Magnús Pálsson founded The Living Art Museum in Reykjavík. Inspired by the Fluxus art movement, it offered an alternative to the classic art museum. Magnús Pálsson exhibited at Documenta VI in Kassel in 1977, and represented Iceland at the Venice Biennale in 1980. His art is an art of the invisible; which occupies the imperceptible interstices between objects. His sculptures give form to the empty spaces using plasticized molds.
This presentation at Galerie Crystal Ball is Magnús Pálssons’ first solo exhibition in Berlin. Having made audio recordings of the spoken dreams of various people, Pálssons then swaps, cuts, pastes, and otherwise interferes with the dreams to build a multilayered structure. Such compression, interference and dissolving of our nightly visions reflects the very way we remember dreams: their discontinuity and fleetingness. Upon waking, our nightly adventures are re-configured: fragments that are not chronologically defined are suddenly strung together. Associations and wakeful rationality takes over – suspicions vanish; new characters appear.tbar.
Magnús Pálsson, Rod Summers and Tom Winter will present a performance, also entitled “Dreams” for the exhibition opening. The documentation of “Dreams” is availible on neoscenes.net. The exhibition is supported by the Icelandic Embassy and the Walther von Goethe Foundation.
oben: Magnús Pálsson: Performance
unten links: Magnús Pálsson, Wolfgang Müller, Tom Winter und Rod Summers